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Project summary:

Scale: 1:35


Used materials:

Figure conversions out of Miniart and ICM sets

Mini excavator and wheelbarrow made by Fujimi


Skeletons made by MAiMBoxes, buckets, bowls and shovel/pick made by Macone, + Matho Models, FC Model and Plus Model


Small parts are self-made

The vignette shows the exhumation of German KIA in the proximity of a former field hospital of the Wehrmacht, somewhere in Europe in the 2010´s.  


Typically, these exhumations and recoverys are done by the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V. and their partners.


I am proud to say that I have been a member and supporter of the Volksbund for the last 15 years, and with this project, I would like to honor the work of the men and women who voluntarily try to solve fates on a daily base. 

I become a member of the Volksbund when I was 24 years old, and the reason I decided to support this organization was simple to me – I still have my life in front of me, and the chance to materialize it.  Many others in my age were sacrificed for useless goals, and had no chance to grow old.  So it was important to me to give these young peoples remains a dignified last resting place, and help families and relatives solve a fate that left big wounds in them. 

If you are interested in the work of the Volksbund: (The site can be displayed in German, English, French, Italian, Polish or Russian languages)  


Dead, but not forgotten!

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